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Node-Zopfli plugin for Webpack.
npm i -D zopfli-webpack-plugin
var ZopfliPlugin = require("zopfli-webpack-plugin");module.exports = { plugins: [ new ZopfliPlugin({ asset: "[path].gz[query]", algorithm: "zopfli", test: /\.(js|html)$/, threshold: 10240, minRatio: 0.8 }) ] }
: The target asset name. [file]
is replaced with the original asset. [path]
is replaced with the path of the original asset and [query]
with the query. Defaults to "[path].gz[query]"
: A function(asset)
which receives the asset name (after processing asset
option) and returns the new asset name. Defaults to false
: Can be a function(buf, callback)
or a string. For a string the algorithm is taken from zopfli
: All assets matching this RegExp are processed. Defaults to every asset.threshold
: Only assets bigger than this size are processed. In bytes. Defaults to 0
: Only assets that compress better that this ratio are processed. Defaults to 0.8
: Whether to delete the original assets or not. Defaults to false
. Juho Vepsäläinen | Joshua Wiens | Kees Kluskens | Sean Larkin |